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Ethel Crutcher Scholarship Fund

The Ethel Crutcher Scholarship Fund was founded to honor the beloved Chief Administrator, who served the MPSE faithfully for many years.

Ethel's defining quality was her extraordinary kindness, which she extended to everyone in the MPSE family. She was legendary for her enthusiasm, sense of humor, and intelligence, all of which she utilized to take exceptional care of the organization that she so dearly loved.

Each year, the winner of the Verna Fields Student Award at the Golden Reel Awards is presented with a $5,000 educational scholarship in Ethel's honor. This scholarship has helped fund the education of dozens of deserving sound students around the world.

The MPSE is proud to carry on Ethel's enduring legacy of caring and dedication to the sound community.

To donate to the Ethel Crutcher Scholarship Fund, please fill out the form below:

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Executive Director: Tracie Costabile
Telephone: (818) 506-7731
Email: office@mpse.org


Motion Picture Sound Editors
11856 Balboa Blvd. #414
Granada Hills, CA 91344

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